Miller, Beam & Paganelli is a certified small and local D.B.E. business located in Reston, VA which has been providing consulting services in the areas of acoustics, vibration, and audiovisual system designs for more than 30 years.
Our office includes the three firm principals – Kevin Miller, Martin Beam, and John Paganelli, as well as a team of talented design consultants and support staff. Collectively, our staff has over 100 years of experience with a broad range of projects spanning corporate, government and educational sectors.
Within a specified timeframe, we are committed to the development of acoustical and audiovisual designs that meet both the client’s needs and budget. Knowledge in associated architectural, engineering, and construction fields facilitate the development of designs which are often integrated with other aspects of a project. Where appropriate, options are presented to allow architectural, engineering, or construction considerations and cost/performance evaluations to determine the most suitable design.
Miller, Beam & Paganelli has an array of instrumentation for measuring and analyzing sound and vibration. The experience gained from field-testing and correcting noise and vibration problems enables us to develop practical designs that meet performances required in the field.
Miller, Beam & Paganelli integrates the experienced judgment and diverse engineering, science, and architectural backgrounds of the principals and staff consultants to achieve innovation and project reliability. Computer systems with CAD and specialized acoustical software facilitate design and coordination with other team members. Without sacrificing accuracy, technical information is communicated in a manner that is understandable to the client, consultants, and others associated with the project.
Miller, Beam & Paganelli currently utilizes the following design and communication hardware/software:
- AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, and Revit design software
- EASE audio system modeling software
- Smaart audio system measurement software
- Cadna A noise prediction software
- FHWA TNM 2.5 traffic noise modeling software
- US Army Corps of Engineers SARNAM & BNOISE 2 arms noise assessment models
- FAA Integrated Noise Model (INM) aircraft noise measurement software
Government Classification Codes:
NAICS: 541330 Engineering Services
NIGP: 91842 Consulting – Acoustical and Audiovisual Engineering